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Town of China Grove

Golf Cart/LSV Permit

Golf Cart/LSV Permit

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Type of permit
First and Last Name *
Home Address - Your permit will be mailed to this address. *
Phone Number *
Are you purchasing a permit renewal or a new permit? *
Please enter the operator's Driver License number *
Please enter the Make/Manufacturer, and Model of Golf Cart/LSV *
Please enter the color of your golf cart/LSV *
Please enter the Serial Number of your Golf Cart/LSV *
Please enter the model year of your golf cart/LSV *
Please enter the name of your liability insurance provider and policy number. *
Check only those that apply. My Golf Cart/LSV is equipped with the following: *

By initialing below and digitally signing this form, the undersigned owner and registrant hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Town of China Grove, its officers, agents, servants, employees, assistants, legal representatives and their heirs, executives, executors, administrators, and assigns, completely harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, suits, claims, judgments, fines, or demands arising by reason of injury or death of any person or damage to any property, including all reasonable costs of investigation and defense thereof, including but not limited to, attorney fees, court costs, and expert fees, of any nature whatsoever arising out of an incident to the acts or omissions of the Owner and Registrant, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, subleases, licensees, invitees, or any third persons in the use of the Owner’s and Registrant’s Golf Cart or Low Speed Vehicle, regardless of where the injury, death, or damage may occur. I furthermore attest that I received, read, and understand the Town of China Grove’s Golf Cart and Low Speed Vehicle Ordinance.

By initialing below and digitally signing this form, As provided in Sections 1.0 and 2.0 of the Town of China Grove’s Golf Cart and Low Speed Vehicle Ordinance Chapter 58, Article VII, any person operating a Golf Cart or Low Speed Vehicle on designated streets, roads, pathways, or highways within the Town of China Grove’s jurisdiction, does so at their own risk and peril, and must operate said vehicles with due caution and circumspection and with regard for the safety and convenience of other motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Initials *

The Town of China Grove permits the operation of Golf Carts and Low Speed Vehicles (LSV) on designated public streets, roads, pathways, and highways within the Town of China Grove's jurisdiction. 

The Town of China Grove does not endorse or advocate for the use of Golf Carts or LSVs on the public streets, roads, pathways, and highways. Golf Carts and LSVs are not generally designed to be operated on public roads, streets, pathways, and highways. 

The Town of China Grove regulates the operation of such vehicles by addressing public safety issues and concerns for all operators and passengers of carts and LSVs that operate with the Town of China Grove's jurisdiction. Those that operate or are passengers on the Golf Carts or LSVs do so at their own risk and peril. 

LSVs and Golf Carts are defined as motorized pleasure vehicles that do not exceed 28 miles per hour. Lawn mowers, tractors, four-wheelers and ATVs are excluded from this definition.

Those wishing to operate Golf Carts or LSVs in the Town of China Grove jurisdiction must be issued a permit of operation. Adequate completion of the requirements of the permit will result in a sticker decal issued to the operator which must be displayed on the left side of the Golf Cart or LSV and shall be renewed annually on a calendar basis.  


  • Owners must purchase and maintain liability insurance in at least the minimum amount required by the state of North Carolina which insurances against personal injury and property damage of any nature. Proof of insurance coverage must be provided yearly as part of the permit process and shall be carried by the operator at all times that the vehicle is in operation. 

  • Any person who operates a Golf Cart or LSV in the Town of China Grove shall be at least 16 years of age and hold a valid driver's license issued by a state within the United States. 

  • Any person who operates a Golf Cart or LSV in the Town of China Grove takes full responsibility for all liability associated with the operation of said vehicles. Any person who rides or sits as a passenger on a Golf Cart or LSV takes full responsibility for the liability associated with riding or sitting on said vehicle. 

  • Golf Carts and LSVs may only be operated during daylight hours unless equipped with headlights, brake lights, and turn signals.

  • Golf Carts and LSVs may not be operated during inclement weather when visibility is reduced or impaired. 

  • Golf Carts and LSVs must be equipped with a rear vision mirror, a LSV Placard the meets ASAE S276.4 standards, sufficient brakes, reliable steering, and safe tires.

  • Continuous travel on US 29/601 and NC 152 Hwy is not permitted except when necessary to access a town street, road, pathway, or a business or residential access point that is not readily accessible from a back-street, road, or path. Travel on any interstate highway system is not permitted at any time. 

  • Golf Carts and LSVs operators must adhere to all state of North Carolina traffic laws and all laws governing the use of or possession of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances. 
  • Golf Carts and LSVs operators must yield to the right-of-way to pedestrians and overtaking vehicles at all times. 
  • All passengers, including children, must be properly seated while the vehicle is in motion. 

  • Maximum occupancy of any Golf Cart or LSV must not exceed the manufacturers design or recommended seating capacity. 

  • Golf Carts and LSVs shall not operate on town sidewalks.

  • Golf Carts and LSVs shall not park in designated handicap parking spaces unless the operator or one of the passengers has a valid and displayed handicap placard or sticker.  

The Town of China Grove reserves the right to refuse to issue and/or revoke and permit at any time and for any reason to ensure the safety and well-being of the citizens.

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